Blue Ocean PPR Pipes and Fittings
Why should you consider Blue Ocean PPR Pipes?
- A complete range for residential and commercial projects:
– 16mm - 160mm green pipes in 10/12.5 bar (blue line) for cold & chilled water, 16 Bar (red line) for hot & cold water and 25 bar fittings.
– DZR CW602N brass threaded adapters (1/2”-3”) and PPR flange adapters (32-160mm) to connect to any feature and to any other pipe system in any domestic and industrial condition.
– DZR CW602N brass is the highest grade brass for the harshest domestic and industrial conditions.
- Environmentally Responsible:
– 100% recyclable and directly recyclable, so no extra processes is needed.
– At least a 50 year lifespan if correctly installed and designed, so less material consumption.
– Lowest to-market and after-market carbon footprint of any pipe system as PPR pipes and fittings are made and recycled at under 300 ºC.
– Extremely low thermal conductivity of 0.24 W/mK. So less lagging is needed to comply with the SANS 10400XA.
– Smooth surface reduce distribution losses and stay consistent during it's lifespan, therefore reducing energy needed for water reticulation.
– Full bore fittings also reduce distribution losses.
– No scale or lime build-up reduce distribution losses.
– When PPR burns it gives off mostly CO2 and H2O, so it is less harmful than smoke from your braai.
- Health:
– One of the highest performing pipes systems for resistance to bacteria and bio-growth. (DVGW W270)
– PPR does not give of colours, flavours or odours to the water supply so it is ideal for labs and processing plants. Not to mention your home. (UBA KTW)
- Peace of Mind:
– Blue Ocean 10 year guarantee.
– LyondellBasell supply PPR raw material to the Blue Ocean Industrial Development (UK) Group.
– Due to the fusion bond between PPR pipes and PPR fittings it does not easily leak.
– Theft and vandal resistant as PPR has a very low 2nd hand value and can be hard to damage.
– PPR pipes and fittings have been in the SA market for over 10 years and in use internationally since the early 80's.
– Blue Ocean PPR pipes and fittings are produced in an ISO 9001, ISO 14001 & ISO 18001 certified factory.
– Blue Ocean PPR pipes and fittings comply to the following international standards:
- Blue Ocean PPR pipes and fitting also have (or will have) the following certificates:
SABS SANS 15874 - Parts 2, 3 & 5 (Renewal Pending)
- Blue Ocean Souther Africa is a member of PHACT.
- Money Saver:
– Depending on the size of the project and product used, PPR can save you up to 50% on material costs.
– Plumbers with training and a little experience, can install PPR pipes as fast, if not faster, than they would copper pipes. This is done in the following ways:
The welding process fuses the pipe into the fitting. This means that prefabrication is possible and economies of scale come into play.
PPR can handle working pressure as soon as the fusion process cooled down (3-15mins max).
Maintenance on PPR pipes are minimal...if ever.
You do not have to mess around with flux/gas or glue. From 16-160mm, the fusion process, in principle, stays the same.