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Blue Ocean Receives DVGW Certificate.

Blue Ocean is now DVGW certified. DVGW is a German based organisation that establishes standards and test protocols. Two of the standards forming part of the certification is W270 and KTW.

W270 deals with microbiological growth and KTW deals with toxicological tests. There is a bit more to it, but these two standards basically says that Blue Ocean PPR will not be an agent to directly contaminate (leaching - KTW) or indirectly contaminate (microbiological - W270) your water.

As proud as we are of this "hygiene" certificate it does not mean our product is the magical cure for all "issues" in any water supply. It simply means that our product will not inflame existing problems.

One big issue popping up every now and then is legionnaires disease (Legionella). Here specifically your choice of pipe will not help to prevent it as it is caused by poor reticulation design (dead legs) and maintenance on the hot water system (wrong temperatures and pipe corrosion).

So, if you have designed your reticulation system well and you have nothing else that will contaminate your water supply, then you can confidently install Blue Ocean's PPR pipe system to help you keep it that way.

*The image is from the Blue Ocean International Industrial (UK) Group web page.


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